This year, Novalis Innovative Flooring is introducing a new collection of luxury vinyl flooring called NovaCore™. Unlike LVF that is flexible, NovaCore uses licensed technology from Unilin and USFloors to make a vinyl floating floor with a very rigid, waterproof core. Many have compared it to laminate flooring (except for the waterproof part) and no one is quite sure how to “classify” it as yet — is it an LVF (Luxury Vinyl Floor), or is it an EVP (Engineered Vinyl Plank)?

One thing’s for certain, NovaCore is a beautiful flooring option, marrying exceptional Novalis decor design with the latest in solid core engineering. (Note: Visit our NovaCore product page on or see more room styles on our Pinterest page “Waterproof Flooring – NovaCore™ by Novalis”)

As you might expect, there have been numerous questions about this new kind of flooring, from both retailers and consumers. So let’s take a closer look at this fascinating new flooring system called NovaCore.

产品结构加结构2Q: We’ve heard the category terms “WPC” and “EVP” when referring to this type of flooring. What do they stand for and are they an accurate classification for NovaCore?

A: WPC stands for “Wood Particle Composite,” EVP means “Engineered Vinyl Plank.” Another term you may hear is HPC (High Pressure Core). All three terms are basically referring to the same types of products. WPC is not the right term for the Novalis product, because our NovaCore is a solid vinyl product and does not contain any wood particles in its construction. Novalis refers to the NovaCore as an HPC product, but EVP could also apply.

Q: Why should I consider NovaCore versus a laminate floor?

A: Major advantages of HPC over laminates are the waterproof core, better print designs, lighter weight, and easier to cut during installation.

NovaLay Logo Final Artwork

Q: Are there advantages or disadvantages for NovaCore when compared to other luxury vinyl floors?

A: Unlike traditional LVP, NovaCore is more dimensionally stable and will
not expand and contract at the same rate as traditional luxury vinyl, which also means a shorter acclimation period. NovaCore will hide some imperfections on the subfloor which makes surface preparation slightly easier. However, unlike traditional luxury vinyl, these products will indent much easier due to the core construction and could have a more hollow sound.

Q: I’ve heard that NovaCore is more “forgiving” when it comes to less-than-ideal subfloor conditions. Exactly what should I look for regarding subfloor suitability and preparation with this product?

A: As we’ve stated in other articles, subfloor preparation is the key to any successful installation. And this is still true with NovaCore. You need to make sure the substrate is flat. Too much waviness will cause a failure of the locking mechanism. The forgiveness in this product is that due to its rigidity, small cracks and pock marks, gaps in wood panels, or embossings in sheet vinyls will not show through as easily, so prep will be minimal.


Thank you Jim Kups, Technical Manager for North America of Novalis, for your knowledgeable answers! Stay tuned for Part Two!