Where does color inspiration come from? It’s an important question because color is such an important part of our lives. Color selection influences our moods, our attitudes, our sense of comfort — or discomfort for that matter.
And because color is so important and floors are such a major factor in room design (aka “the 5th Wall”) flooring designers are probably as “color sensitive” as anyone. Maybe more than most. And that’s very true about our team of designers at Novalis Innovative Flooring.
Recently, our international design group produced this interesting video that illustrates how they are influenced by color in our world, whether those colors are found from places like nature or the fashion world. It’s based on the design that went into the recent development of a Novalis LVT collection.
For other excellent color resources, check out CMG — The Color Management Group website or keep up with color trends by looking at the color experts of Pantone for “Color of the Year” forecasts.
Of course, always stay tuned for the new and exciting styles and colors from NovaFloor by Novalis Innovative Flooring.
Click the link to view the video: